The Inner Compilers
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The COLON Compiler is the most fundamental and important Forth compiler and is dealt with separately, along with the Semi-Colon Compiler…
The Inner Compilers
The Constant Compiler
Defining a constant value is an alternative to having the value compiled as an in-line numeric literal. When the constant definition is executed, it pushes its value onto the stack
Image#1 Fig 172. Source for the Constant Compiler, CONSTANT
Image: (Husband 2011), based on the Intel 8080 figForth model
More discussion of SMUDGE & the Smudge Bit…
A discussion of CONSTANT’s run-time code, DOCON
A discussion of CREATE
The Variable Compiler
Defining a variable to hold a value that changes is often needed when using the stack for this purpose is not appropriate. When the variable definition is executed, it pushes its parameter field address, rather than its content, onto the stack
Note how VARIABLE is a very simple modification of CONSTANT…
Image#2. Source for the Variable Compiler, VARIABLE
Image: (Husband 2011), based on the Intel 8080 figForth model
The use of VARIABLE does assume that the dictionary is in RAM; i.e. that DP, the dictionary pointer, is pointing to RAM…
A discussion of VARIABLE’s run-time code, DOVAR
The User Variable Compiler
Image#3. Source for the User Variable Compiler, USER
Image: (Husband 2011), based on the Intel 8080 figForth model
User Variables are very similar to variables. Compare Image#2 & Image#3; the compilers are virtually identical; VARIABLE compiles DOVAR as its run-time code and USER compiles DOUSE as its run-time code
DOUSE applies a fixed offset relative to the user area pointer UP to the address pushed onto the stack
A discussion of USER’s run-time code, DOUSE
The Vocabulary Compiler
VOCABULARY is a defining word used in the form: VOCABULARY cccc
where cccc is the name of the new vocabulary. The run-time code DOVOC is compiled into cccc
Image#3. The figForth Glossary definition of CONTEXT Image: (Husband 2011), based on the Intel 8080 figForth model
Executing cccc will make it the CONTEXT vocabulary which will be searched by the text interpreter first
In-line Data Compiler
In the parameter field of a colon definition there is normally a list of execution ad-dresses (code field addresses), which the address interpreter processes and executes… (Ting, 1986, p. 57; 1989, p. 30)
However, there are times when it is needed to embed other data such as literal numbers or strings of characters, or addresses for routing program flow144…
Literal Compiler
“If compiling, compile the stack value n as a 16-bit literal, which when later executed will leave n on the stack…” (Haydon 1982, p. 151)
Because the Address Interpreter will try to treat all values it encounters as execution addresses, in-line literal numbers in a colon definition must be preceded by run-time code called LIT which will push the contents of the next PFA onto the stack at execution time. LITERAL is responsible for compiling LIT when appropriate during compilation
These are 16-bit literal words… The equivalent 32-bit (“double”) words are: DLITERAL and D-LIT
The Text Compiler 1
Sometimes it is needed to output a string of text characters and this can be done using the word .” (“dot-quote”) .” uses WORD to read text from the input stream until delimiter “ is encountered and places it at the top of the dictionary starting at HERE. The first byte is the character count, then the text string, then two or more spaces. .” is “state-smart” so if it is compiling it compiles the run-time code (.”) and inserts the count & text in-line after (.”) . If the system is executing it outputs the text via TYPE
Image#4. Source for the Text Compiler, .” (“dot-quote”)
Image: (Husband 2011), based on the Intel 8080 figForth model
.” is an IMMEDIATE word
Control Structure Compiler
Forth allows a number of control structures to control the program flow based upon conditions but they all compile combinations of run-time code 0BRANCH and/or BRANCH
These are shown below. Ting has omitted the BEGIN … AGAIN structure
Image#5. Compiled Control Structures
Image: Based on Ting (1986, p. 140)
Defining New Defining Words
: …. ;CODE
Most of the High-Level Defining Words were created using the : …. ;CODE compiler, where ;CODE created run-time code in machine code. This method has portability issues when moving code to other processors as all the code following ;CODE would need to be rewritten for the new host
<BUILDS … DOES> allows the run-time code to be written in high-level Forth
Brodie, L., 1981. Starting FORTH : an introduction to the FORTH language and operating system for beginners and professionals [online]. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall. Available from:
Haydon, G. B., 1982. All About Forth - An Annotated Forth Glossary [online]. Available from: Http://
Husband, D., 2011. M.Sc in IT (Software Engineering). Master’s thesis. University of Liverpool.
Ting, C. H., 2013. Systems Guide to fig-Forth [online]. 3rd ed. San Mateo, CA 94402, USA: Offete Enterprises, Inc. Available from: