figForth Word - DLITERAL
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DLITERAL d — d (executing) d — (compiling) P If compiling, compile a stack double number into a literal. Later execution of the definition containing the literal will push it to the stack. If executing, the number will remain on the stack
007013 C8 B 2749 DB 0C8H 007014 444C4954 455241 B 2750 DB “DLITERA” 00701B CC B 2751 DB ‘L’+80H 00701C F76F B 2752 DW LITER-10 00701E 3C28 B 2753 DLITE: DW DOCOL 007020 7768 B 2754 DW STATE ; STATE 007022 8F27 B 2755 DW AT ; @ 007024 DA21 B 2756 DW ZBRAN ; IF 007026 0800 B 2757 DW DLIT1-$ 007028 E826 B 2758 DW SWAP ; SWAP 00702A 0170 B 2759 DW LITER ; LITERAL 00702C 0170 B 2760 DW LITER ; LITERAL 00702E 1725 B 2761 DLIT1: DW SEMIS