What is a "Baremetal Engineer" ?
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Ok, being pedantic…
A “Baremetal Engineer” is a person who is a practitioner of Baremetal Engineering…
So what is “Baremetal Engineering”?
It depends on who you ask! People have many different ideas… !!
Rather unusually Wikipedia is not very insightful on this subject…
A search of Youtube for “Baremetal” is equally unproductive…
The best/nearest Youtube definition I could find was:
“Bare metal is a computer system without a base operating system (OS) or installed applications. It is a computer’s hardware assembly, structure and components that is installed with either the firmware or basic input/output system (BIOS) software utility or no software at all”
Who is the “Baremetal Engineer”?
David Husband characterises himself as being a self-taught “Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire”
David Husband’s version of Baremetal Engineering…
… which he defines as: “programming the microprocessor & the associated hardware directly in Machine Code (via an Assembler) within a Forth environment…“
Forth employs a virtual machine and a single linked-list comprising of indirectly threaded code
There is more detail about what, why & how this is done here…