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VOCABULARY E,L A defining word used in the form: VOCABULARY cccc to create a vocabulary definition cccc. Subsequent use of cccc will make it the CONTEXT vocabulary which is searched first by INTERPRET. The sequence “cccc DEFINITIONS” will also make cccc the CURRENT vocabulary into which new definitions are placed. In fig-FORTH, cccc will be so chained as to include all definitions of the vocabulary in which cccc is itself defined. All vocabularys ultimately chain to Forth. By convention, vocabulary names are to be declared IMMEDIATE

NFA:    0028CF 8A                 DB   8AH
        0028D0 564F4341 42554C41  DB   "VOCABULAR"
        0028D8 52 
        0028D9 D9                 DB   'Y'+80H
LFA:    0028DA 9E28               DW   USER-7
CFA:    0028DC 3C28        VOCAB: DW   DOCOL
PFA:    0028DE CB68               DW   VTABLE	        ; VTABLE
        0028E0 0B27               DW   DUP		        ; DUP
        0028E2 B627               DW   CAT		        ; C@
        0028E4 E826               DW   SWAP		        ; SWAP
        0028E6 D368               DW   ONEP   	        ; 1+
        0028E8 B627               DW   CAT		        ; C@
        0028EA 6569               DW   LESS		        ; <
        0028EC EC25               DW   ZEQU		        ; 0=
        0028EE DA21               DW   ZBRAN
        0028F0 0800               DW   VOCA1-$		    ; IF
        0028F2 0621 0E00 316F     DW   LIT,14,ERROR	    ; 14 ERROR
        0028F8             VOCA1:                  	    ; THEN
        0028F8 C36B               DW   BUILD		    ; <BUILDS
        0028FA CB68               DW   VTABLE		    ; VTABLE
        0028FC B627               DW   CAT		        ; C@
        0028FE 0B27               DW   DUP		        ; DUP
        002900 3469               DW   CCOMM		    ; C,
        002902 DF68               DW   TWOP		        ; 2+
        002904 CB68               DW   VTABLE		    ; VTABLE
        002906 1328               DW   CSTOR		    ; C!
        002908 0621 81A0          DW   LIT,0A081H	    ; A081
        00290C 2369               DW   COMMA		    ; ,
        00290E CB68               DW   VTABLE		    ; VTABLE
        002910 DF68               DW   TWOP		        ; 2+
        002912 2369               DW   COMMA		    ; ,
        002914 0769               DW   HERE		        ; HERE
        002916 CF67 4B69          DW   FOUR,SUBB	    ; 4 -
        00291A CB68               DW   VTABLE		    ; VTABLE
        00291C 0B27               DW   DUP		        ; DUP
        00291E B627               DW   CAT		        ; C@
        002920 1226               DW   PLUS		        ; +
        002922 C767 4B69          DW   TWO,SUBB	        ; 2 -
        002926 F027               DW   STORE		    ; !
        002928 D36B               DW   DOES		        ; DOES>

        00292A B627        DOVOC: DW   CAT		        ; C@
        00292C CB68               DW   VTABLE		    ; VTABLE
        00292E 1226               DW   PLUS		        ; +
        002930 BF68               DW   CONT		        ; CONTEXT
        002932 F027               DW   STORE		; !
        002934 1725               DW   SEMIS


NFA:    0068C2 86                 DB   86H
        0068C3 56544142 4C        DB   "VTABL"
        0068C8 C5                 DB   'E'+80H
LFA:    0068C9 B568               DW   CONT-10
CFA:    0068CB AB28       VTABLE: DW   DOUSE
PFA:    0068CD 24                 DB   36

        0028B7 0A18         VTAB: DW   180AH		; COLD copies this table
        0028B9 81A0               DW   0A081H		; to VTABLE in USER memory
        0028BB 5F75               DW   VLIST-8		; Topmost word in FORTH vocab
        0028BD 8520               DW   AWORDS-8	    ; Topmost word in APPLICATION vocab
        0028BF F12C               DW   SP_CFA-12	; Topmost word in SPELL vocab (In eZ80SPELL.ASM)
        0028C1 4C67               DW   TWORDS-8	    ; Topmost word in TOOLS vocab (In eZ80TOOLS.ASM)
        0028C3 00000000           DW   0,0		    ; What is limiting the size of this table?
        0028C7            VOC_NAME:
        0028C7 3629               DW	FORTH-8
        0028C9 4329               DW	APP_VOC-14
        0028CB 5A29               DW	SPELL_VOC-9
        0028CD 772D               DW	TOOL_VOC-8

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 24th August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”