figForth Word - LIT
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LIT — n C2,L0 Within a colon-definition, LIT is automatically compiled before each 16 bit literal number encountered in input text. Later execution of LIT causes the contents of the next dictionary address to be pushed to the stack
NFA: 002100 83 DB 83H
002101 4C49 DB "LI"
002103 D4 DB 'T'+80H
LFA: 002104 3202 DW QUIT-7
CFA: 002106 0821 LIT: DW $+2
PFA: 002108 0A LD A,(BC)
002109 03 INC BC
00210A 6F LD L,A
00210B 0A LD A,(BC)
00210C 03 INC BC
00210D 67 LD H,A
00210E C3 E1 20 JP HPUSH