figForth Defining Word - USER
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USER n — L0 A defining word used in the form: n USER cccc which creates a user variable cccc. The parameter field of cccc contains n as a fixed offset relative to the user pointer register UP for this user variable. When cccc is later executed, it places the sum of its offset and the user area base address on the stack as the storage address of that particular variable
USER Defines User Variables
NFA: 00289E 84 DB 84H
00289F 555345 DB "USE"
0028A2 D2 DB 'R'+80H
LFA: 0028A3 8828 DW VAR-11
CFA: 0028A5 3C28 USER: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 0028A7 7528 DW CON ; CONSTANT
0028A9 956B DW PSCOD ; (;CODE)
0028AD 5E LD E,(HL)
0028AE 1600 LD D,0
0028B0 2AFDFF LD HL,(UP)
0028B3 19 ADD HL,DE
0028B4 C3 E1 20 JP HPUSH