figForth word - CREATE

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1774 86                  DB	86H
1775 43524541 54         DB	"CREAT"
177A C5                  DB	'E'+80H
177B 6017                DW	IDDOT-6
177D 950E        CREAT:	 DW	DOCOL
177F 0D10 0616           DW	BL,WORD		; BL WORD
1783 1A11                DW	HERE		; HERE
1785 990C                DW	DUP			; DUP
1787 E610                DW	ONEP		; 1+
1789 110D                DW	CAT			; C@
178B 7A0B                DW	ZEQU		; 0=
178D 0908                DW	ZBRAN		; IF
178F 0600                DW	CREA2-$
1791 F00F 4417           DW	FIVE,ERROR	; 5 ERROR
1795 D210        CREA2:	 DW	CONT		; CONTEXT
1797 EA0C EA0C           DW	AT,AT		; @ @
179B D208                DW	PFIND		; (FIND)
179D 0908                DW	ZBRAN		; IF
179F 1700                DW	CREA1-$
17A1 5A0C                DW	DROP		; DROP
17A3 6E12                DW	NFA			; NFA
17A5 6617                DW	IDDOT		; ID.
17A7 A914                DW	PDOTQ		; (.")
17A9 0C                  DB	12
17AA 204E6F74 20556E69   DB	" Not Unique "
17B2 71756520 
17B6 1A11        CREA1:	 DW	HERE		; HERE
17B8 990C                DW	DUP			; DUP
17BA 110D                DW	CAT			; C@
17BC E610                DW	ONEP		; 1+
17BE 2A11                DW	ALLOT		; ALLOT
17C0 990C                DW	DUP			; DUP
17C2 8407 A000           DW	LIT,0A0H	; 0A0H
17C6 DC0C                DW	TOGGL		; TOGGLE
17C8 1A11                DW	HERE		; HERE
17CA E00F                DW	ONE			; 1
17CC 5E11                DW	SUBB		; -
17CE 8407 8000           DW	LIT,80H		; 80H
17D2 DC0C                DW	TOGGL		; TOGGLE
17D4 4212                DW	LATES		; LATEST
17D6 3611                DW	COMMA		; ,
17D8 C510                DW	CURR 		; CURRENT
17DA EA0C                DW	AT			; @
17DC 300D                DW	STORE		; !
17DE 1A11                DW	HERE		; HERE
17E0 E610 E610           DW	ONEP,ONEP	; 1+ 1+
17E4 3611                DW	COMMA		; '
17E6 0F0B                DW	SEMIS

“The header is created by the word CREATE and its derivatives, which are called defining words because they are used to create or define different classes of words” Ting 29

“All words in the same class have the same code field address in the code fields”

“The code field address points to a (machine) code routine which will interpret this word when this word is to be executed”

“The structure of a definition as compiled in the dictionary is shown in Fig. 4”

“CREATE creates a dictionary header for a new definition with name cccc”

“The new word is linked to the CURRENT vocabulary”
“The code field points to the parameter field, ready to compile a code definition”

“Used in the form:”

“CREATE cccc”

: CREATE            ---
BL WORD             Bring the next string delimited by blanks to the top of dictionary
HERE                Save dictionary pointer as name field address to be linked
DUP C@              Get the length byte of the string
WIDTH @ WIDTH       has the maximum number of characters allowed in the name field
MIN                 Use the smaller of the two, and
1+ ALLOT            allocate space for name field, and advance DP to link field
DUP 0A0H TOGGLE     byte of the name field. Make a 'smudged' head so that dictionary search will not find this name
HERE 1- 80H TOGGLE  Toggle the eighth bit in the last character of the name as a delimiter to the name field
LATEST ,            Compile the name field address of the last word in the link field, extending the linking chain
CURRENT @ !         Update contents of LATEST in the current vocabulary
HERE 2+ ,           Compile the parameter field address into code field, for the convenience of a new code definition

For other types of definitions, proper code routine address will be compiled here
;                   Stop compiling the definition

Updated: 30th August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”