figForth - CODE Definitions

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In Forth, words defined in machine code are known as Code Definitions or primatives

The Word DUP will be discussed…

DUP         n  ---  n  n                                    L0

            Duplicate the value on the stack

NFA:    002705 83             DB   83H
        002706 4455           DB   "DU"
        002708 D0             DB   'P'+80H
LFA:    002709 EF26           DW   DSWAP-8
CFA:    00270B 0D27      DUP: DW   $+2
PFA+0:  00270D E1             POP  HL
PFA+1:  00270E E5             PUSH HL
PFA+2:  00270F C3 E1 20       JP   HPUSH

Fig#1 Forth Primative DUP

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


So the first thing to notice is that the CFA is pointing towards the PFA which contains the assember code

This is CFA Rule#1 - that the CFA ALWAYS points towards executable machine code and in the case of Code Definitions, the Address Threader will jump to the PFA (“PFA+0”) and start executing the code it finds there…

So in this case:    16-bit value n is already on the stack (Parameter Stack = the Microprocessor’s Stack)

So the first thing the code at PFA+0 does is POP the 16-bit value (n) off of the stack into the register pair “HL

Then it PUSHes a copy of HL back onto the stack, leaving n still in HL

Finally, it needs to PUSH HL again to create a duplicate of n on the stack, which will then contain two n items…

It does a jump to the address threader entry point HPUSH by executing a JP HPUSH, given that HPUSH’s 1st instruction is PUSH HL…   Job done !!

0020E0 D5          WHPUSH: PUSH	DE
0020E1 E5           HPUSH: PUSH	HL
0020E2 CD AE 02      NEXT: CALL	PAUSE
0020E5 0A           NEXT2: LD	A,(BC)
0020E6 03                  INC	BC
0020E7 6F                  LD	L,A
0020E8 0A                  LD	A,(BC)		; Preserve BC !!
0020E9 03                  INC	BC
0020EA 67                  LD	H,A
0020EB ED17         NEXT1: LD	DE,(HL)
0020ED 23                  INC	HL
0020EE EB                  EX	DE,HL
0020EF E9                  JP	(HL)

Fig#2 The Inner Interpreter (“Address Threader”) NEXT

Updated: 2nd September 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
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