figForth Word - 0<
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0< n — f Leave a true flag if the number is less than zero (negative), otherwise leave a false flag
NFA: 0025FB 82 DB 82H
0025FC 30 DB "0"
0025FD BC DB '<'+80H
LFA: 0025FE E725 DW ZEQU-5
CFA: 002600 0226 ZLESS: DW $+2
PFA: 002602 E1 POP HL
002603 29 ADD HL,HL
002604 210000 LD HL,0
002607 D2 0B 26 JP NC,ZLES1
00260A 23 INC HL
00260B C3 E1 20 ZLES1: JP HPUSH