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VLIST List the names of the definitions in the context vocabulary “Esc” will terminate the listing

NFA:    00755F 85               DB   85H
        007560 564C4953         DB   "VLIS"
        007564 D4               DB   'T'+80H
LFA:    007565 4F75             DW   UDOTR-6
CFA:    007567 3C28      VLIST: DW   DOCOL          ;   :
PFA:    007569 8F23             DW   CR             ;   CR
        00756B BF68             DW   CONT           ;   CONTEXT
        00756D 8F27 8F27        DW   AT,AT          ;   @ @
        007571           VLIS1:                     ;   BEGIN
        007571 0B27             DW   DUP            ;   DUP
        007573 576F             DW   IDDOT          ;   ID.
        007575 E469 E469        DW   SPACE,SPACE    ;   SPACE SPACE
        007579 6D6A 3F6A        DW   PFA,LFA        ;   PFA LFA
        00757D 8F27             DW   AT             ;   @
        00757F 0B27             DW   DUP            ;   DUP
        007581 EC25             DW   ZEQU           ;   0=
        007583 DA21 ECFF        DW   ZBRAN,VLIS1-$  ;  UNTIL
        007587 CC26             DW   DROP           ;  DROP
        007589 1725             DW   SEMIS          ;   ;

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 25th August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”