figForth Word - VTABLE
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NFA: 0068C2 86 DB 86H
0068C3 56544142 4C DB "VTABL"
0068C8 C5 DB 'E'+80H
LFA: 0068C9 B568 DW CONT-10
PFA: 0068CD 24 DB 36
0028B7 0A18 VTAB: DW 180AH ; COLD copies this table
0028B9 81A0 DW 0A081H ; to VTABLE in USER memory
0028BB 5F75 DW VLIST-8 ; Topmost word in FORTH vocab
0028BD 8520 DW AWORDS-8 ; Topmost word in APPLICATION vocab
0028BF F12C DW SP_CFA-12 ; Topmost word in SPELL vocab (In eZ80SPELL.ASM)
0028C1 4C67 DW TWORDS-8 ; Topmost word in TOOLS vocab (In eZ80TOOLS.ASM)
0028C3 00000000 DW 0,0 ; What is limiting the size of this table?