figForth Word - U.R
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U.R un1 n2 —
Output un1 as an unsigned number right justified in a field wide. If n2 is smaller than the characters required for spaces are given
Pronounced: u-dot-r
NFA: 00754F 83 DB 83H
007550 552E DB "U."
007552 D2 DB 'R'+80H
LFA: 007553 4275 DW UDOT-5
CFA: 007555 3C28 UDOTR: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 007557 BF67 DW ZERO ; 0
007559 E826 DW SWAP ; SWAP
00755B EC74 DW DDOTR ; D.R
00755D 1725 DW SEMIS ; ;