figForth Word - TYPE

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TYPE addr count — L0 Transmit count characters from addr to the selected output device

NFA:    006C06 84              DB   84H
        006C07 545950          DB   "TYP"
        006C0A C5              DB   'E'+80H
LFA:    006C0B F26B            DW   COUNT-8
CFA:    006C0D 3C28      TYPE: DW   DOCOL           ;   :
PFA:    006C0F F369            DW   DDUP            ;   -DUP
        006C11 DA21 1800       DW   ZBRAN,TYPE1-$   ; IF
        006C15 BD26            DW   OVER            ;   OVER
        006C17 1226            DW   PLUS            ;   +
        006C19 E826            DW   SWAP            ;   SWAP
        006C1B 3622            DW   XDO             ;  DO
        006C1D 5222     TYPE2: DW   IDO             ;   I
        006C1F B627            DW   CAT             ;   C@
        006C21 3623            DW   EMIT            ;   EMIT
        006C23 EF21 F8FF       DW   XLOOP,TYPE2-$   ;  LOOP
        006C27 C221 0400       DW   BRAN,TYPE3-$    ; ELSE
        006C2B CC26     TYPE1: DW   DROP            ;   DROP
        006C2D 1725     TYPE3: DW   SEMIS           ;   ;


CFA:    006C2F 3C28     ATYPE: DW   DOCOL
PFA:    006C31 F369                B  2254    	DW	DDUP		; -DUP
        006C33 DA21                B  2255    	DW	ZBRAN		; IF
        006C35 1E00                B  2256    	DW	ATYPE1-$
        006C37 BD26                B  2257    	DW	OVER		; OVER
        006C39 1226                B  2258    	DW	PLUS		; +
        006C3B E826                B  2259    	DW	SWAP		; SWAP
        006C3D 3622                B  2260    	DW	XDO		; DO
        006C3F 5222                B  2261    ATYPE2:	DW	IDO		; I
        006C41 B627                B  2262    	DW	CAT		; C@
        006C43 0621 7F00           B  2263    	DW	LIT,7FH		; 7FH
        006C47 4B24                B  2264    	DW	ANDD		; AND
        006C49 3623                B  2265    	DW	EMIT		; EMIT
        006C4B EF21                B  2266    	DW	XLOOP		; LOOP
        006C4D F2FF                B  2267    	DW	ATYPE2-$
        006C4F C221                B  2268    	DW	BRAN		; ELSE
        006C51 0400                B  2269    	DW	ATYPE3-$
        006C53 CC26                B  2270    ATYPE1:	DW	DROP		; DROP
        006C55 1725                B  2271    ATYPE3:	DW	SEMIS

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 25th August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”