figForth Word - '#>'
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#> d --- addr count
Terminates numeric output conversion by dropping d, leaving the text
address and character count suitable for TYPE
NFA: 007479 82 DB 82H
00747A 23 DB "#"
00747B BE DB '>'+80H
LFA: 00747C 6A74 DW BDIGS-5
CFA: 00747E 3C28 EDIGS: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 007480 CC26 DW DROP ; DROP
007482 CC26 DW DROP ; DROP
007484 A568 DW HLD ; HLD
007486 8F27 DW AT ; @
007488 E06D DW PAD ; PAD
00748A BD26 DW OVER ; OVER
00748C 4B69 DW SUBB ; -
00748E 1725 DW SEMIS ; ;