figForth Word - S->D
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S->D n — d Sign extend a single number to form a double number
NFA: 0070ED 84 DB 84H
0070EE 532D3E DB "S->"
0070F1 C4 DB 'D'+80H
LFA: 0070F2 DF70 DW PAREN-4
CFA: 0070F4 F670 STOD: DW $+2 ; S->D
PFA: 0070F6 D1 POP DE
0070F7 210000 LD HL,0
0070FA 7A LD A,D
0070FB E680 AND 80H
0070FD CA 01 71 JP Z,STOD1
007100 2B DEC HL
007101 STOD1:
007101 C3 E0 20 JP WHPUSH