figForth Word - (DO)
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NFA: 00222F 84 DB 84H
002230 28444F DB "(DO"
002233 A9 DB ')'+80H
LFA: 002234 1F22 DW XPLOO-10
CFA: 002236 3822 XDO: DW $+2
PFA: 002238 2AFBFF LD HL,(RPP)
00223B 2B DEC HL
00223C 2B DEC HL
00223D 2B DEC HL
00223E 2B DEC HL
00223F 22FBFF LD (RPP),HL
002242 D1 POP DE
002243 73 LD (HL),E
002244 23 INC HL
002245 72 LD (HL),D
002246 D1 POP DE
002247 23 INC HL
002248 73 LD (HL),E
002249 23 INC HL
00224A 72 LD (HL),D
00224B C3 E2 20 JP NEXT