figForth Word - M/
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M/ d n1 — n2 n3 A mixed magnitude math operator which leaves the signed remainder n2 and signed quotient n3 from a double number dividend and divisor n1. The remainder takes its sign from the dividend
NFA: 00718B 82 DB 82H
00718C 4D DB "M"
00718D AF DB '/'+80H
LFA: 00718E 7071 DW MSTAR-5
CFA: 007190 3C28 MSLAS: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 007192 BD26 DW OVER ; OVER
007194 8525 8525 DW TOR,TOR ; >R >R
007198 3C71 DW DABS ; DABS
00719A 4225 DW RAT ; R@
00719C 2D71 DW ABS ; ABS
00719E FC23 DW USLAS ; U/
0071A0 C925 DW FROMR ; R>
0071A2 4225 DW RAT ; R@
0071A4 7024 DW XORR ; XOR
0071A6 0971 DW PM ; +-
0071A8 E826 DW SWAP ; SWAP
0071AA C925 DW FROMR ; R>
0071AC 0971 DW PM ; +-
0071AE E826 DW SWAP ; SWAP
0071B0 1725 DW SEMIS ; ;