figForth Word - M/MOD
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M/MOD ud1 u2 — u3 ud4 An unsigned mixed magnitude math operation which leaves a double quotient ud4 and remainder u3, from a double dividend ud1 and single divisor u2
NFA: 00725C 85 DB 85H
00725D 4D2F4D4F DB "M/MO"
007261 C4 DB 'D'+80H
LFA: 007262 4D72 DW SSLA-5
CFA: 007264 3C28 MSMOD: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 007266 8525 DW TOR ; >R
007268 BF67 DW ZERO ; 0
00726A 4225 DW RAT ; R@
00726C FC23 DW USLAS ; U/
00726E C925 DW FROMR ; R>
007270 E826 DW SWAP ; SWAP
007272 8525 DW TOR ; >R
007274 FC23 DW USLAS ; U/
007276 C925 DW FROMR ; R>
007278 1725 DW SEMIS ; ;