figForth Word - LOOP

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LOOP addr n — (compiling) P,C2,L0

Occurs in a colon-definition in form:


At run-time, LOOP selectively controls branching back to the corresponding DO based on the loop index and limit. The loop index is incremented by one and compared to the limit. The branch back to DO occurs until the index equals or exceeds the limit; at that time, the parameters are discarded and execution continues ahead

At compile-time. LOOP compiles (LOOP) and uses addr to calculate an offset to DO. n is used for error testing

NFA:    00738D C4              DB   0C4H
        00738E 4C4F4F          DB   "LOO"
        007391 D0              DB   'P'+80H
LFA:    007392 7C73            DW   DO-5
CFA:    007394 3C28      LOOP: DW   DOCOL          ; :
PFA:    007396 CB67 DC6A       DW   THREE,QPAIR    ;   3 ?PAIRS
        00739A 0B6B            DW   COMP           ;   COMPILE
        00739C EF21            DW   XLOOP          ;   (LOOP)
        00739E 4573            DW   BACK           ;   BACK
        0073A0 1725            DW   SEMIS          ;   ;


NFA:    0021E6 86              DB   86H
        0021E7 284C4F4F 50     DB   "(LOOP"
        0021EC A9              DB   ')'+80H
LFA:    0021ED D021            DW   ZBRAN-10
CFA:    0021EF F121     XLOOP: DW   $+2
PFA:    0021F1 110100          LD   DE,1
        0021F4 2AFBFF   XLOO1: LD   HL,(RPP)
        0021F7 7E              LD   A,(HL)
        0021F8 83              ADD  A,E
        0021F9 77              LD   (HL),A
        0021FA 5F              LD   E,A
        0021FB 23              INC  HL
        0021FC 7E              LD   A,(HL)
        0021FD 8A              ADC  A,D
        0021FE 77              LD   (HL),A
        0021FF 23              INC  HL
        002200 14              INC  D
        002201 15              DEC  D
        002202 57              LD   D,A
        002203 FA 0E 22        JP   M,XLOO2
        002206 7B              LD   A,E
        002207 96              SUB  (HL)
        002208 7A              LD   A,D
        002209 23              INC  HL
        00220A 9E              SBC  A,(HL)
        00220B C3 13 22        JP   XLOO3

        00220E 7E       XLOO2: LD   A,(HL)
        00220F 93              SUB  E
        002210 23              INC  HL
        002211 7E              LD   A,(HL)
        002212 9A              SBC  A,D
        002213 FA C4 21 XLOO3: JP   M,BRAN1
        002216 23              INC  HL
        002217 22FBFF          LD   (RPP),HL
        00221A 03              INC  BC
        00221B 03              INC  BC
        00221C C3 E2 20        JP   NEXT

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 31st August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”