figForth Word - LEAVE
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LEAVE C,L0 Force termination of a DO-LOOP at the next opportunity by setting the loop limit equal to the current value of the index. The index itself remains unchanged, and execution proceeds normally until LOOP or +LOOP is encountered
NFA: 002526 85 DB 85H
002527 4C454156 DB "LEAV"
00252B C5 DB 'E'+80H
LFA: 00252C 1225 DW SEMIS-5
CFA: 00252E 3025 LEAVE: DW $+2
PFA: 002530 2AFBFF LD HL,(RPP)
002533 5E LD E,(HL)
002534 23 INC HL
002535 56 LD D,(HL)
002536 23 INC HL
002537 73 LD (HL),E
002538 23 INC HL
002539 72 LD (HL),D
00253A C3 E2 20 JP NEXT