figForth Word - INTERPRET
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INTERPRET The outer text interpreter which sequentially executes or compiles text from the input stream (terminal or disc) depending on STATE. If the word name cannot be found after a search of CONTEXT and then CURRENT it is converted to a number according to the current base. That also failing, an error message echoing the name with a “ ?” will be given. Text input will be taken according to the convention for WORD. If a decimal point is found as part of a number, a double number value will be left. The decimal point has no other purpose than to force this action. See NUMBER
“INTERPRET is the text interpreter which sequentially executes or compiles text from the input stream depending on STATE. If the word cannot be found after searching CONTEXT and CURRENT, it is converted to a number according to the current base. That also failing, an error message echoing the name with a “?” will be printed”
NFA: 00705B 89 DB 89H
00705C 494E5445 52505245 DB "INTERPRE"
007064 D4 DB 'T'+80H
LFA: 007065 3070 DW QSTAC-9
CFA: 007067 3C28 INTER: DW DOCOL
PFA: 007069 INTE1: ; BEGIN Start the interpretation loop
007069 076F DW DFIND ; -FIND
00706B DA21 DW ZBRAN
00706D 1E00 DW INTE2-$ ; IF
00706F 7768 DW STATE ; STATE
007071 8F27 DW AT ; @
007073 6569 DW LESS ; <
007075 DA21 DW ZBRAN ; IF
007077 0A00 DW INTE3-$
007079 4D6A DW CFA ; CFA
00707B 2369 DW COMMA ; ,
00707D C221 DW BRAN ; ELSE
00707F 0600 DW INTE4-$
007081 4D6A INTE3: DW CFA ; CFA
007083 B321 DW EXEC ; EXECUTE
007085 INTE4: ; THEN
007085 3970 DW QSTAC ; ?STACK
007087 C221 DW BRAN ; ELSE
007089 1C00 DW INTE5-$
00708B 0769 INTE2: DW HERE ; HERE Start of the text string on top of the dictionary
00708D 7D6E DW NUMB ; NUMBER Convert the string at HERE to a signed double number, using the current base
If a decimal point is encountered in the text, its position is stored in DPL. If numeric conversion is not possible, an error message will be given and QUIT
00708F 8A68 8F27 DW DPL,AT ; DPL @ Is there a decimal point?
007093 D368 DW ONEP ; 1+ If there is, DPL + 1 should be greater than zero (true)
007095 DA21 0800 DW ZBRAN,INTE6-$ ; IF Decimal point was detected
007099 1E70 DW DLITE ; DLITERAL If compiling, compile the double number on stack into a
literal, which will be pushed on stack during execution. If executing, the number remains on stack...
00709B C221 0600 DW BRAN,INTE7-$ ; ELSE No decimal point, the number should be a single 16 bit number
00709F CC26 INTE6: DW DROP ; DROP Discard the high order part of the double number
0070A1 0170 DW LITER ; LITERAL If compiling, compile the number on stack as a literal
The number is left on stack if executing...
0070A3 3970 INTE7: DW QSTAC ; ?STACK Check the data stack overflow or underflow
0070A5 INTE5: ; THEN End of the IF clause after -FIND
0070A5 C221 C2FF DW BRAN,INTE1-$ ; AGAIN Repeat interpretation of the next text string in the input stream
-FIND Move the next word from input stream to HERE and search the CONTEXT and then the CURRENT
vocabularies for a matching entry
If found, the dictionary entry's parameter field address, its length byte, and a boolean
true flag are left on stack, otherwise, only a false flag is left...
IF A matching entry is found. Do the following:
STATE @ < If the length byte < state , the word is to be compiled
CFA , Compile the code field address of this word to the dictionary
ELSE Length byte > state, this is an immediate word,
CFA then put the code field address on the data stack and
EXECUTE call the address interpreter to execute this word
?STACK Check the data stack. If overflow or underflow, print error message and jump to QUIT
ELSE No matching entry. Try to convert the text to a number
The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:
“The text interpreter seems to be in an infinite loop without an exit, except the error handling procedures in ?STACK and NUMBER. The normal exit from this loop, after successfully interpreting a line of text, is buried in a mysterious, nameless word called NULL or ‘X’ in the Forth source code. The true name of this procedure is an ASCII NUL character, which cannot be accessed from the terminal. The text input procedure appends an ASCII NUL character to the end of a text input stream in place of a carriage return which terminates the text stream. After the text stream is successfully processed, the text interpreter will pick up this null character and execute the NULL procedure”