figForth Word - ELSE
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ELSE addr1 n1 — addr2 n2 (compiling) P,C2,L0 Occurs within a colon-definition in the form: IF … ELSE … ENDIF At run-time, ELSE executes after the true part following IF. ELSE forces execution to skip over the following false part and resumes execution after the ENDIF. It has no stack effect. At compile-time ELSE emplaces BRANCH reserving a branch offset, leaves the address addr2 and n2 for error testing. ELSE also resolves the pending forward branch from IF by calculating the offset from addr1 to HERE and storing at addr1
NFA: 007418 C4 DB 0C4H
007419 454C53 DB "ELS"
00741C C5 DB 'E'+80H
LFA: 00741D 0374 DW _IF-5
CFA: 00741F 3C28 _ELSE: DW DOCOL ; :
PFA: 007421 C767 DC6A DW TWO,QPAIR ; 2 ?PAIRS
007427 C221 DW BRAN ; BRANCH
007429 0769 DW HERE ; HERE
00742B BF67 DW ZERO ; 0
00742D 2369 DW COMMA ; ,
00742F E826 DW SWAP ; SWAP
007431 C767 DW TWO ; TWO
007433 6873 DW THEN ; THEN
007435 C767 DW TWO ; 2
007437 1725 DW SEMIS ; ;
NFA: 0021B9 86 DB 86H
0021BA 4252414E 43 DB "BRANC"
0021BF C8 DB 'H'+80H
LFA: 0021C0 A921 DW EXEC-10
CFA: 0021C2 C421 BRAN: DW $+2
PFA: 0021C4 60 BRAN1: LD H,B
0021C5 69 LD L,C
0021C6 5E LD E,(HL)
0021C7 23 INC HL
0021C8 56 LD D,(HL)
0021C9 2B DEC HL
0021CA 19 ADD HL,DE
0021CB 4D LD C,L
0021CC 44 LD B,H
0021CD C3 E2 20 JP NEXT