DOES>'s "Run-time" Code...

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DOES> L0 A word which defines the run-time action within a high-level defining word. DOES> alters the code field and first parameter of the new word to execute the sequence of compiled word addresses following DOES>. Used in combination with part executes it begins with the address of the first parameter of the new word on the stack. This allows interpretation using this area or its contents. Typical uses include the Forth assembler, multidimensional arrays, and compiler generation


NFA:    006BCB 85              DB	85H
        006BCC 444F4553        DB	"DOES"
        006BD0 BE              DB	'>'+80H
LFA:    006BD1 B96B            DW	BUILD-10
CFA:    006BD3 3C28      DOES: DW	DOCOL           ;   :
PFA:    006BD5 C925            DW	FROMR		;   R>
        006BD7 2F6A            DW	LATES		;   LATEST
        006BD9 6D6A            DW	PFA 		;   PFA
        006BDB F027            DW	STORE		;   !
        006BDD 956B            DW	PSCOD		;   (;CODE)

        006BDF 2AFBFF   DODOE: LD	HL,(RPP)
        006BE2 2B              DEC	HL
        006BE3 70              LD	(HL),B
        006BE4 2B              DEC	HL
        006BE5 71              LD	(HL),C
        006BE6 22FBFF          LD	(RPP),HL
        006BE9 13              INC	DE
        006BEA EB              EX	DE,HL
        006BEB 4E              LD	C,(HL)
        006BEC 23              INC	HL
        006BED 46              LD	B,(HL)
        006BEE 23              INC	HL
        006BEF C3 E1 20        JP	HPUSH

NFA:    006BB9 87              DB	87H
        006BBA 3C425549 4C44   DB	"<BUILD"
        006BC0 D3              DB	'S'+80H
LFA:    006BC1 A36B            DW	SEMIC-8
CFA:    006BC3 3C28     BUILD: DW	DOCOL
PFA:    006BC5 BF67 7528       DW	ZERO,CON	;   0 CONSTANT
        006BC9 1725            DW	SEMIS           ;   (;)

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 23rd August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”