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DEFINITIONS L1 Used in the form: cccc DEFINITIONS Set the CURRENT vocabulary to the CONTEXT vocabulary. In the example, executing vocabulary name cccc made it the CONTEXT vocabulary and executing DEFINITIONS made both specify vocabulary cccc
0067A1 8B B 1551 DB 8BH 0067A2 44454649 4E495449 B 1552 DB “DEFINITION” 0067AA 4F4E 0067AC D3 B 1553 DB ‘S’+80H 0067AD 772D B 1554 DW TOOL_VOC-8 0067AF B 1555 DEFIN: 0067AF 3C28 B 1556 DW DOCOL 0067B1 BF68 B 1557 DW CONT ; CONTEXT 0067B3 8F27 B 1558 DW AT ; @ 0067B5 B268 B 1559 DW CURR ; CURRENT 0067B7 F027 B 1560 DW STORE ; ! 0067B9 1725 B 1561 DW SEMIS