figForth Word - D.R

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D.R d n — Print a signed double number d right aligned in a field n characters wide

0074E6 83 B 3421 DB 83H 0074E7 442E B 3422 DB “D.” 0074E9 D2 B 3423 DB ‘R’+80H 0074EA CF74 B 3424 DW DIGS-5 0074EC 3C28 B 3425 DDOTR: DW DOCOL 0074EE 8525 B 3426 DW TOR ; >R 0074F0 E826 B 3427 DW SWAP ; SWAP 0074F2 BD26 B 3428 DW OVER ; OVER 0074F4 3C71 B 3429 DW DABS ; DABS 0074F6 6F74 B 3430 DW BDIGS ; <# 0074F8 D474 B 3431 DW DIGS ; #S 0074FA 9774 B 3432 DW SIGN ; SIGN 0074FC 7E74 B 3433 DW EDIGS ; #> 0074FE C925 B 3434 DW FROMR ; R> 007500 BD26 B 3435 DW OVER ; OVER 007502 4B69 B 3436 DW SUBB ; - 007504 5274 B 3437 DW SPACS ; SPACES 007506 0D6C B 3438 DW TYPE ; TYPE 007508 1725 B 3439 DW SEMIS

The Meaning of the Dictionary Fields:


Updated: 30th August 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
All personal information is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018 & the UK GDPR
“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”