Typing in Forth
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Forth Typing
What on earth is “Typing” ??!! (Within a Software Language context !!)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_system “a type system is a logical system comprising a set of rules that assigns a property called a type to the various constructs of a computer program, such as variables, expressions, functions or modules. These types formalise and enforce the otherwise implicit categories the programmer uses for algebraic data types, data structures, or other components (e.g. “string”, “array of float”, “function returning boolean”). The main purpose of a type system is to reduce possibilities for bugs in computer programs by defining interfaces between different parts of a computer program, and then checking that the parts have been connected in a consistent way. This checking can happen statically (at compile time), dynamically (at run time), or as a combination of both. Type systems have other purposes as well, such as expressing business rules, enabling certain compiler optimisations, allowing for multiple dispatch, providing a form of documentation, etc”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_and_weak_typing “A weakly typed language has looser typing rules and may produce unpredictable or even erroneous results at runtime - Wikipedia”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_theory “a type system is a formal system in which every term has a “type” which defines its meaning and the operations that may be performed on it. Type theory is the academic study of type systems. Some type theories serve as alternatives to set theory as a foundation of mathematics”
Enger, E. D., Ross, F. C. and Bailey, D. B., 2002. Concepts in Biology. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.