figForth's Memory Map

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In The Beginning…

Around 1979, Forth was being promoted to home computer enthusiasts/hobbyists 1 by the US-based Forth Interest Group (“FIG”)

Bear in mind, around the early 1980’s:

  • Home computers were VERY RUDAMENTARY and SLOW !!
  • Most were being clocked at 1MHz or so, and were B&W
  • No displays - An analogue TV 2 had to be used via a RF-Modulator - Very low-res !
  • No software or apps - Just a Machine Code Monitor, program storage on Cassette Tape
  • No Tutorials with the computer – what you did get was for all practical purposes incomprehensible
  • There was NO INTERNET - that emerged in a very rudamentary form around 1995 3
  • No computer books - No computer magazines, no tutorials

A detailed discussion of the “early days” is HERE and HERE

So, How to Get Started ?

So, let’s just suppose you had a Nascom 1 home computer, like I did…

That was Zilog Z80-based and virtually identical code-wise to the Intel 8080, so you needed to obtain an 8080 FIG Forth Model (84 Pages) (FIG 1979) 4 and a FIG Forth Installation Manual (56 Pages) (FIG 1979)5 which at the time were both paper-based documents…

So you either had to send dollars 6 to FIG in the US and wait a few months or you joined FIG UK and sent a cheque to them instead.. And waited for the post…

Page 5 of the figForth model Installation Manual provides a memory map of the fig-Forth Model system 7

Image#1: The figForth Model Memory Map
Based upon (FIG 1979, p. 5), ignoring the other map on the right-hand side for the 6502

Looking back after 40 years I can see just how dreadful the those two fig documents actually were in terms of explanation and insight… The memory map is particularly bad in that respect… I have tried to address these issues in this website

I was very lucky because I was introduced to figForth by my expert senior colleague at work…

The Zilog eZ80 Basics…

The “top-of-the-range” naked Zilog eZ80 has these resources internally:

(a) 8k General Purpose RAM
(A) 00-FFFF = Top of 64k Memory Range
    (1) 00-FF77 = SP0 (Parameter Stack Pointer)
    (2) 00-E300 = INITR0 (Return Stack Pointer)
    (3) 00-E100 = UP0 (User Pointer)
(B) 00-E000 = INITTIB (Terminal Input Buffer
(C) 00-DFFF = Top of 8k EMAC DMA RAM
    (3) 00-C800 = Boundary in 8k EMAC DMA RAM
(D) 00-C000 = Bottom of 8k EMAC DMA RAM
(c) 48k of internal Flash ROM
(E) 00-BFFF = Top of 48k internal Flash ROM
    (6) 00-758B = End of Forth Dictionary (in ROM)
    (5) 00-0115 = Start of Forth Dictionary (in ROM)
      (d) So what is going on here?
(F) 00-0000 = Bottom of 48k internal Flash ROM & of 64k Memory Range







FIG, 1979. Forth Model: fig-forth_8080_ver_11. Forth Interest Group [online]. Available from: Http://

FIG, 1979. Forth Model: figForth Installation Manual. Forth Interest Group [online]. Available from: Http://

  1. And home computers were an unheard of and a very nerdy pastime… They were kits originally… 

  2. Colour TVs were still very expensive 

  3. Phone lines, slow modems… 

  4. This was the “latest” and last fig 8080 model, updated so as to run on a CPM-based Machine… 

  5. With a “sample” memory-map on page 5… 

  6. At that time very few had a credit card, (debit cards did not exist yet) so you had to attend your bank and buy a banker’s draft in dollars, having added what you thought the postage from the US might be… Fun! Fun! 

  7. And in my opinion, a very uninformative and uninspiring diagram… 

Updated: 13th March 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
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