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“In psychology, grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective). This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie on the path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realisation. Distinct but commonly associated concepts within the field of psychology include “perseverance”, “hardiness”, “resilience”, “ambition”, “need for achievement” and “conscientiousness”“

Parts of the same “big picture”…

Errors, mistakes, failure, stress, resilience, grit, success and asking for HELP are ALL parts of the same big picture

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm…“ Sir Winston Churchill

DH Comment:

“I believe using the simple flow principles and being ‘in the flow’ is fundamental to eventual success…“

Some TED videos:

6m12   Grit - the power of passion and perseverance    Angela Lee Duckworth

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

7m05   The boost students need to overcome obstacles    Anindya Kundu

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1

12m55   From stress to resilience    Raphael Rose

     Right-Click on the video image to display a number of options… 1


  1. This is using the in-built video and audio players of HTML5  2 3

Updated: 29th April 2022 by David Husband
© 2021 David Husband, a.k.a. Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
All Rights Reserved – All Trademarks & Copyrights Acknowledged
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“ad auxilium aliis ad auxilium sibi”