figForth Word - D+
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D+ d1 d2 --- dsum
Leave the double number sum of two double numbers
NFA: 00261A 82 DB 82H
00261B 44 DB "D"
00261C AB DB '+'+80H
LFA: 00261D 0E26 DW PLUS-4
CFA: 00261F 2126 DPLUS: DW $+2
PFA: 002621 210600 LD HL,6
002624 39 ADD HL,SP
002625 5E LD E,(HL)
002626 71 LD (HL),C
002627 23 INC HL
002628 56 LD D,(HL)
002629 70 LD (HL),B
00262A C1 POP BC
00262B E1 POP HL
00262C 19 ADD HL,DE
00262D EB EX DE,HL
00262E E1 POP HL
00262F 7D LD A,L
002630 89 ADC A,C
002631 6F LD L,A
002632 7C LD A,H
002633 88 ADC A,B
002634 67 LD H,A
002635 C1 POP BC
002636 D5 PUSH DE
002637 C3 E1 20 JP HPUSH